Archive for the 'Technology' Category
haha hah. ha.
Monday, September 12th, 2005It’s funny when John Gruber writes a short screenplay about The iTunes 5 Announcement From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal User Interface Theme
Cringley on WiMax and BitTorrent
Sunday, April 24th, 2005He doesn’t start in on BitTorrent until more than halfway through the article, but I like where he sees us heading. It’s a lot like where I see us heading. Seems about spot-on.
I love BitTorrent
Monday, March 14th, 2005In case you haven’t heard of it, BitTorrent is a really neat swarming file sharing tool. This new OS X client demonstrates exactly how cool it is. (Hint: check out the “3D Swarm View”)
The Squared Circle Color Finder
Thursday, February 3rd, 2005Flickr is a cool web app I’ve talked about before. This is somebody doing something great on top of Flicker: Squared Circle Color Finder