Archive for October, 2009

We’ve been talking about this for how long? (again)

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Picture 3As a follow up to this post from years ago, here’s a modern multi-touch implementation of the D&D gaming table of our dreams. I’d be seriously tempted to get back into D&D with one of these bad boys in the rumpus room.

SurfaceScapes via BoingBoing.

How tiny are these tiny things?

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Picture 2This little “Cell Size and Scale” flash app is neato. I like how 12 pt Times regular is the “large item’.

Via Gizmodo

Red Planet

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Red Planet by Robert A. Heinlein is a great book. I thought you’d want to know… Also, I’m testing the iPhone WordPress app.


Welcome back (again).

Monday, October 26th, 2009

So here it is almost the end of 2009 and this here little old web log has been down for over a year. I finally decided it was time to get back on the old blogging horse… so here it is! I misplaced a few posts from early 2008 and pretty much all the comments from over the years are M.I.A., but almost all the old content is back. I encourage you to Register for an account so you’ll have access to all the posts. Thanks for checking it out and I’ll do my very best to keep up on the posting.